Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is he trying to make me smile or telling the truth?

Soo my guy hes always tellin me nd calling me sweet thingss...... But im not sure about these two.. 1 was " Damn Girl Your lips make me crazy" nd the 2 was " everytime we kiss I feel like im in heaven" :D! .... What is that supposed to mean.... P.s. I have kissed him... Like not a peck but a real kiss..

What does my dream mean?

Pretty much there was some nuclear explosion that was going to happen or something. So the local government/martial law put me and other people into a warehouse type place. We were told that the radiation would get to us in the middle of the night while we slept and if anybody survived, they were to report to a military base type place. So apparently this happened before and I was one of the few survivors from the last time so I went in the same corner of the building that I went last time (memories were conceived in dream) and fell asleep on the concrete among many others. I awoke in the middle of the night cold and found some sheets of metal and covered myself with to stay warm. (and somehow saved me) I then woke up in the morning and everyone died in radiation except me and some guy. As we left the building the dream ended.

Alternative Rock Music Video-Band plays in the dark surrounded by a chain reaction?

They are singing in a dark warehouse with only one light bulb hang from the ceiling over the lead singer and they are surrounded by a chain reaction with fire and a bowling ball and other things and at the end of the song the reaction causes something to smash or shoot the light bulb.

Ipod touch please helP!?

I Have episodes of a show (Primeval -.- damn u lisa) on my computer and I was wondering if you could tell me how to put it ont my Ipod touch. HELP ME! Thanks. PS do I need to download anything to put it on there.(FREE PLEASSE) Thanks..again

Are you a warehouse club shopper?

Occasionally. There are only 3 of us. I do save money because I compare their prices to the prices I pay in a regular store. If it's not a bargain, I don't buy it. I only buy things we actually use on a regular basis.

Guy I like at work brushed past me really close?

one of the signs a guy likes you is if he's tries to touch you in any way.. it's a way of saying he wants to get close to you. So him brushing up against you is a hint he likes you. So... ya he probs likes you!

Senior citizens, this is it for the night?

I don't think there's much in the U.S. that we don't think normal talk. If you visited, you'd probably say, "What's THAT mean" but we would think of it as perfectly normal.

At work,there is a posh man who is horrible to the other office types,yet sweet to the warehouse lads-why?

He really hides his arrogance and horribleness when he needs to come into the warehouse to talk to us about an order or something.Why do you think this is?

My cousin gave me the silent treatment for almost a year?

Hello I need answers. Last summer 2010 my cousin was supose to come to my house after my birthday but at the last minute she desided to let me down and she desided to go see a concert she tried to call me back to tell me she would come but I hung up on her I said no go see the damn concert...I was hurt and angry but now I'm more hurt cuz my cousin gave me the silent treatment next week it will be a year we have stop talking and we were close. During the holidays 2010 I saw her but we didnt talk or look at eachother it was cold . Its still cold. There is a wedding in july my other cousin is getting maried...and she will be there it will be awkward to talk to her again since its been a year . I dont have the courage to go up to her and say sorry. I'm still hurt cuz she gave me the silent treatment . I know I will see her at the wedding but once I do I dont know what to say to her I'm so stressed out these days cuz of that and my parents knows that I dont want to go cuz of the situation. I'm still not going should I go and make amends with my cousin. She is very important to me it feels i've lost a piece of me...I cry a lot cuz I regret and I still think I dont deserve to be forgiven...

Whats the name of this movie?

Ok it starts out with a bunch of people wake up locked in a warehouse, and they can't remember anything. Some are tied up, there a tank of Co2 open that caused them to lose all there memory. Two of them are kidnappers and the others were kidnapped by them. They spend the movie trying to figure out who is who

Sooo...matches arent allowed in checked baggage?

I just realized that I have matches in my checked luggage. I have this little owl carrying case thing that I packed and the matches have been in there for months and it just hit me that I never took them out! I've been trying to find out what happens if you bring something that's not permitted iin checked luggage. I don't want to lose my DKNY shoes! I'm sure no one will catch that reference...okay in all seriousness why are matches not permitted? What if my luggage somehow catches on fire :O supposedly that's happened. My flight leaves at 10:51. Is this really a big deal? Should I go hunt down the baggage handlers? I don't even know if they're strike anywhere matches or safety ugh I don't even smoke, I just thought the match pack thing was cute so I stuffed in my damn owl bag!! Also, theyre like the mini pack of matches that you get from a restuarant. Help.

Do you think this is fair? Black man suing jail after refusing protect custody?

A black man in my town infected 4 teenage girls and 2 KNOWN adult women with HIV. He was taken into custody and refused to be placed in protective custody because he didn't want to appear weak 4 Aryan nation members cut his arm off with a shank now the black man wants to sue corrections because they failed to keep him safe, he is a 26 year old migrant of Sudan do you think it's fair for the department of corrections to be sued when he refused protective custody?

Record and Tape Traders in MD?

does anyone know if Record and Tape Traders moved their location, or are they out of business for good? i heard of them possibly closing, but i just dont understand how the **** they could close one of the best ****** record stores just because of this pathetic tweeny bop society who would rather have iphones and ****. there has to be more damn record shops in this bumfuck town, does anyone know of any? = )

I either really put all my effort or just dont give a damn.any advice?

and i think that its taking a toll on me & my life. for example if i have a project that i dont get i'll just give up on it completly or if i'm having a bad day i'll just be like " eff this" and like a few hours later i'll be all like "i can do it" so i'm just wondering what i can do to eradicate this habit and not be so extreme with my moods.

Other ways to catch the elephant hiding in my house?

i tried a sticky peanutbutter/molasses trap but the damn thing escaped. whats another good way to trap the elephant hiding in my house?

White supremacy in russia thoughts?

yes i am a racist and i love Russia well i was visiting one of my white aryan national brothers over there i saw the most racist things in Russia the police men where shouting hey skinheads keep up the good work can you Imagen that in america? russia is so racist i love it 14/88 sieg heil

When should an adult go to the dr.'s for a fever?

My husband is running a 102 fever. He wants to go to work still...he works in a freezer warehouse...I'm pregnant and we need all the hours and money he can get. But at 102 should he be forced to stay home? And if it were to get higher when should he go to the dr.'s? I've heard that you should take them if their at 102, or other people say take them at 104...which is it? And me being pregnant, should I avoid him so I don't catch it and endanger my unborn baby? I'm 35 weeks if that matters...

Need help with this question..?

A sample of 100 wood and 100 graphite tennis rackets are taken from a warehouse. If 5 wood and 17 graphite rackets are defective and one racket is randomly selected from the sample, what is the probability that the racket is wood or defective?

Too old for an earring?

You'd look great. You are never too old to change your appearance especially for the better. You can change earrings from time to time as well. Remember to clean the wound and move the hoop around while it's healing. You would be better off with 14K when you get it pierced. Silver tarnishes and can cause infection. It will take several weeks to really heal before you change earrings. Don't take out an earring without replacing it in the hole for at least two months or else the hole may close up and you will have to start all over again. Good luck!

What happened first in India; the arrival of the Aryans, or the creation of Hinduism?

I am interested in the Indian history, with all its details, and I have been reading a lot lately, but I am not able to establish whether the Aryans came up with Hinduism, or Hinduism was already in India when they arrived and they converted to it. Any information with references would be highly appreciated.


im a grad from collage for being a teacher and my husband is a welder and we have our house paid for we have money in the bank and we are ready to become parents but for some reason every time he cums in me it always comes out even if im laying down elevated or even when my feet are in the air. And not to mention the fact that i havent gotten my damn period since 09' i have gone to the doc and they told me that there is nothing wrong with me. I dont wanna go waste money for no reason when there is an easy explanation on why i havent gotten my period. Without me having my period i cant get preganant so ladies please help me understand why.... If, this is happening to you please let me know, even if your solution was going to the doctor. I just wanna know what you told him and what he perscribed you. Im thinking its one of my hormones that isnt developed right and thats why im not getting them... all my life i have been irregular even as a little girl, how can i get my period back even if its not a normal cycle i just want to ovulate... or another way of letting my egg go.... someone help me please

How can I be a better manager?

I have be recently hired as a Head Cashier at one of the biggest home improvement warehouses. I am over at least 30 people. I am not good with confrontation and have been told I'm "too sweet". What would be the best way to approach people who are doing something they shouldn't be, like texting or mot being where they are supposed to be. What are your stories, experiences, and how did you handle the situation? Any tips? Thank you in advance!

Kesha's future in music?

Ok I know 99% of the world doesn't like her because she's trashy, dirty, skany, untalented ... Whatever! For one second though let's be serious do you HONESTLY think she will become a music icon?She has broken records, her songs are on ALL THE DAMN TIME, she has hit after hit ( not lately cuz she is on tour), she has had more hits than lady gaga, her image is always something to talk about ( negative or positive), she is successful by doing all her own stuff. Look at brittney spears... She lip syncs, doesn't write her own stuff, she uses auto tune and she's a pop icon. Whats your opinion besides " she's a untalented slut so no"

Do you think i should go for it?

It sounds like he is into you, so yes you should go for it. Ask him to hang out or something and see how it goes. Talk and joke with him and I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Experiencing errors with DDL.SQL. Please help!?

It would help if you gave some indication what errors or other messages you're getting. I could make a few guesses at things, but I'd prefer a little more info first. Feel free to drop me a line with particulars.

How to get to Hollow Bastion?

In Kingdom hearts 1, I did all the other levels. Found all the keyholes. Done. Went back to all the levels to see if I forgot something. NOTHING. This is driving me up the damn wall. How do I get to Hollow Bastion? I went to see Merlin, he just asked if I wanted to practice magic. Went to talk to Cid, He just wants to sell Gummy stuff. What do I do?!?! AHHHHH.

Why do people even get married?

People get married, live their life according to their spouse, have kids, have kids drama, divorce and than do it all over again. Why? Just live your damn life! Instead of getting married, buy a boat for example. Party in the boat whenever you want, date whoever you want and don't have anyone telling you what to do like he/she is your parent or something.

? Upgrading my orange contract ?

I Have a contract with orange witch is coming to its end. I want to stay with orange and want the new samsung galaxy s2 but they hav.nt got any in store. Could I carry on my contract with orange from doing it in a different store like carphone warehouse or phones4u? ? And would I still get all the bonuses orange store offered me on plans ? ?

Quick question, will appreciate at least one good response. Thnx!?

you did the correct thing...if she asks than tell her that it was not you...and than ask her back was she the one doing all this.....and than tell her that as soon as i come i will give you a call from office or come and report need to do all this kind of stuff

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Math question help, can you help me with a complex problem?

Yesterday I had 240 points, then I received 17 deletions, I appealed all 17 and was declined on all but 1. So if x=240, y=160 and z=Yahoo Customer Care combined IQ score @ x-y, how many drool buckets and helmets must be ordered from the warehouse to replace Yahoo's aging equipment?

I have bad stomach pains when my upper body is vertical.?

I felt fine laying in my bed, when I stood up I had severe pain. Sittin in my computer chair I have to slouch forward in order to not feel the pain as bad. When standing up the pain is really bad, I can only stand for about a minute or so before I have to squat down and aleviate the pain. Obviously the first sign is gravity causing some tention somewhere. I have a fairly strict diet, I run 6-12 times a week and weight train 4 days a week, work in a warehouse. I have no issues with going to the bathroom, nor acid reflux.

Why do so many people think the ADL isn't a hate group?

Its actual history has been extremely hard to find (mostly due to the necessity of filtering out its own versions, neo-Nazi trash, and related forms of misinformation), but I just cannot understand how, besides its better PR, this group is thought by so many people to be on a level above the NAACP, B'nai B'rith (its founding organization), or the Aryan Nation..

Hitler's goal was a classless society of Aryan Germans so in what way is that related to Reps or Dems?

Exactly but the left focuses on the aryan part and the right focuses on the socialist part and thats were the arguments over nazism stem from while nazism is a mix of left and right. But nazism is not part of the classic liberal/conservative right but the authoritarian/nationalist right.

Reinstalled and deleted windoes.old files - However I still have a virus?

Doing a system restore can be a bad idea because the virus could be residing in the restore file. Get rid of all of those. I advise a reformat & clean install. Of course if you can't get a keyboard working you might have to try a new M/B or new hard disc.

Does anyone think African Americans need to come out of hiding in the shadows?

As a young Caucasian woman.. Who is not necessarily racist at all..well I believe black people have so many opportunities now and most still do not do a damn get off welfare chase your dreams go to school get a job...TRY harder. I feel like they still dont get it. They have excuses and I don't feel sorry for them anymore! I'm tired of trying to help people that do not appreciate it! It's time to move on and up people.. Y do they choose not to. Now I'm not speaking on behalf of every single black individual some are very good people but lots are getting caught up in the streets over stupid ish... When will they learn does anyone feel like I do? Explain please!!!

How much would it cost me to open a shoe and cloth retail store ?

hi i am 15 years old i am working i am planning to open a retail store that sales nikes jordans supras and lots of other brand and i also plan to sell cloth i would like to know how much would it cost to do this and i also wonder where do i get the shoes and cloth do i buy them from a warehouse? im not sure so can you guys explain me the procedures step by step please :) thank yoou and i would like it to look a little something like this one section with cloth an the oother section with shoes how much will this cost and where do i get the shoes and cloth ?

Stuck in Pokemon Pearl?

I haven't played this game in a while, and I forgot where I was exactly... Team Galactic are blocking a Lake, and I can't get to most other towns that I tried because a fat guy won't let me through... There's a Galactic warehouse but I need a key to get in the other rooms. I have no idea where this key is? I tried the ground next to the warehouse but maybe I'm just missing it. Help?

Why are women always trying to trap us?

You don't think you should have to pay child support? Then you are either not old enough, or not mature enough, to have a relationship with a girl.....

Secret societies in america?

I'm sure everyone has heard something about secret societies (Illuminati) whether you choose to believe the facts is your choice I was wondering, if this society does happen to be true and if their plan for a one world government does finally succeed what if all the mobs or gangs such as the Mexican Mafia, the Aryan Brotherhood, Italian mobsters etc etc come together in what they know best (crime) and go against this secret society, what will happen? Is there any way to defeat their plan?

Is my boss allowed to do this? If not then what should i do?

my boss has one of my co workers keeping an eye on everyone in the warehouse to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be him doing that they reward him with tickets to baseball games, NASCAR etc. and they also pay him extra im only 19 and i only been here for 1 year and started to realize this and im new to the working life but is it like this everywhere that i will apply to? and can my boss get into trouble if i were to rat him out to the president of the company?

Ladies: How to get a hard-to-get girl?

Typical romance novel. HAHA. But you should just try to be sweet and patient. Say hi to her, become her friend first and when she's comfortable with you, then BAM. Pull out the big guns. Give her flowers, be extra sweet. This might take a while since she might have had trauma or something from people who broke her heart. Make sure you are ready first before committing :-bd Good luck.

Is this a good example of Aryan beauty?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where online can i apply for warehouse jobs directly?

So that I won't be sent to a staffing agency? I want to be a ble to find a job that I like, and just apply for it...any ideas? In los angeles! Thx

Is it ok for my employer to provide one pair per size safety shoes for admin staff and they have to share?

basically we got told today that we must wear steel toes whenever we step foot in the warehouse, we do our post in there so we go in for like a min and then out. work has provided one pair per size, and everyone has to share. i find that a bit unhygenic, what if someone has a foot fungal like a verucca? i assumed that work would provide us all with shoes...hmm. is this legal?

Will there be a Saw 8???????

If you watch Saw 7, After Hoffman kills Jill and lights the warehouse on fire, he gets captured outside by Dr. Gordon outside. However, there are two other pigs-masked people that are helping him. Who are these people? Where did Gordon go after he sealed Hoffman in the bathroom? There's too much left up in the air.

Do I have to pay the Brokerage COD from a UPS deliver right at the door or can I pay it later ?

The title says it all. Can I pay the brokerage COD later or do I HAVE to pay at the door ? Will they keep the parcel if I don't pay at the door, and just hold it at their warehouse/evil fortress of rape/rob your cutomers untill I have the money and can go get it, or will they send it back to where it came from ?

(Preferably large) Open world games for Xbox 360, WHERE YOU CAN OWN PROPERTY?

You know like a warehouse you could own where you could put helicopters on the roof for escape, and create an arsenal Inside, and park a bunch of vehicles inside... You know what- yeah let's just start with, large openworld games where you can own property( land )(or an rv haha) ? Any ideas?

Am I entitled to a full 30 minute lunch break in Kentucky?

They need to allow you to leave your workstation at 6:27 or they're breaking the law. If you're entitled to an unpaid 30 minute break then the time begins when you clock out, not when you begin walking towards the clock. I would suggest you think twice about making an issue of this. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. Managers have guns.

Had Nehruji threatened of severe HINDU BACKLASH in case Muslim becoming PM of India on independence?

Jinnah or not, nobody in the world could have avoided creation of Pakistan. Lot of muslims at that time felt that they will be marginalised post independence era. So they supported Jinnah. Also today we can see Jinnah's Pakistan and Nehru's Hindustan. Gandhi made a right choice at that time. Given a chance to them, they know only one thing - spreading hatred and violence. Kashmir is living example of that.

Where did you go, my lovely?

You know that song, where did you go? by No Mercy. I was watching this music video on youtube, and I realized something. No one has ever looked for her. I mean sure we are all dancing to the sweet jam, but damn it people there is a girl missing. Doesn't this bother anyone?

The Kane Chronicles : The Red Pyramid Book Cover Explanation?

I was just wondering cause i just finished reading the book. The cover is bothering me.I know that the building is obviously the mansion on the warehouse. and that Sadie's casting spells and that Carter's obviously ready to battle. Also there's a giant snake in the mansion. That part bothers me. Why is there a giant snake at the mansion? I don't remember that part. At all. Is that snake supposed to be Apophis? I don't remember there being a part in the book that's like that

How can a person who thinks he does what is good be called evil?

It's all subjective. In my opinion, God is evil, because due to religion, millions of people have died. Yet someone else would say God is good.

What is warehousing assignment help and inventory management ?

See nothing there mentioning Warehousing or Inventory Management, but assignment help just looks like youre paying someone to do your work for you, in that sites case its university work.

Why elohim gods choose only semites to play with?

Almighty YAHUWEH chose the Shemites because the were the only ones who would obey; the rest were rebellious infidels.

When u become old you heading to Broadway N !!?

Broadway Newmarket is a great way to shop at weekend. Where the warehouse is a close convinient. bye

New Goldfish? Help?!?

So a few days ago, i won a goldfish at a fair and i had it in a bowl (TEMPORARILY) and now i put him in a one gallon tank, with under gravel filtration and an air pump and air stone. I would say he has a pretty damn good set up. Im just wondering if everything is good, if he grows i will eventually upgrade him of course. Also, Im currently feeding him baby shrimp is that okay? Or more variety?

FOUR groups among HINDUs----HOW they proved/are proving to be staunch ENEMY of VEDIC Doctrine?

Great.I am impressed by your phylosophy on Hindu religion.There were number of religious leaders and their opinions were not exactly in the same line.Some of the ideas need ammendments.Rightly JANEU need to be abolished

How to get rid of his ex!? :(?

Me and my boyfriend met on FB.. m 14 and hes 17.. im Indian and hes an Arab.. we started off about hip hop.. bdw hes a famous rapper here in muscat..we kept on talking about hip hop and how we both love it.. i asked him if i could be a part of it etc... he asked me to call him.. our first talk went quite well and we had many things in common ..and i had a slight crush on him checking out his pictures.. hes HAWT! well we used to talk to each other like everyday.. he used to tell me about his girlfriend ayesha whose 15..and that they used to have fights cause she used to talk to other guys and she dint care much for him.. ( they were together for 6 months) i advised him , consoled him etc..and once we decided to meet.. that day was actually the BEST! we spent like 5 hours together.. we talked laughed etc and i got really good vibes from him :).. and i just couldn't keep it in me..i told him that i liked him.. and when we were about to leave he gave me a kiss me and said he liked me much before cause m really sweet to him and all but he dint wanna tell me cause he thought i was in a relationship already.. as days past we were constantly in touch.. on the phone.. on fb.. 24x7! and hes really famous in my school (senior block) even tho hes in some Omani school.. everyone is like congratulating me like m very lucky to have him and amazing to steal him from his ex! many girls tried to break us up cause girls DIE for him.. but our bond was really strong.. we loved each other allot! i kept on asking him if he still liked Ayesha .. he told me that i was his only & main priority in his life and he cared a damn for her now..we continued meeting etc.. now on 17th hes leaving to iraq for good :'( and m leaving to dubai too. I wanna make the most of it with him till then.. now its like Ayesha wants him back.. she loves him and actually cut her vein for him.. and she cries for him like she never cried before.. he told me all this.. and plus i read his inbox too.. shes bleeding.. and her besties beg him to go back to her.. and hes like he has no other option but to be with her.. he said he loves me but he doesn't like to see any girl cry for him no matter how bad she is and if he doesn't go to her she ll die..but till now he still tells me he loves me not her.. i deactivated my FB account cause every time i check his wall..i see her posts etc

Which shoe should I buy?

I recently got a job at a warehouse which has concrete floors. I have completely flat feet so my feet start to hurt after about an hour of standing on those hard floors. I heard new balance gas comfortable running shoes but I dont know if they would be comfortable on concrete floors.

Why do people stare at what i'm wearing?

When i go out women/girl mostly won't look at my face they basically check out what i'm wearing. Why? I don't wear revealing clothes, yes I know I dress nice and they probably think my outfit is cute but damn they make me feel insecure like I ain't attractive; by starring at what i'm wearing.

Offered a warehouse job. Said 14 hour days. Should I take?

Offered a position unloading containers by hand. They said long hours because they try to do 5 a day. Somedays it's a 2 men team but mostly 1. Is this a difficult job? Is 9 per hour good for this line of work?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is Talk Mobile trustworthy?

I am planning on getting the HTC Desire S, i was going to get it from the carphone warehouse but i have seen a deal on a website called 'Talk Mobile' that is much better, but it seems a bit too good to be true and i have never heard of this website before so don't know if its trustworthy, if anyone knows please tell me and if you know any great deals for the Desire S please tell me.

Need opinion on appropriate job?

You can get lots of info about different jobs and how to find better job here -

My cousin gave me the silent treatment for almost a year?

Hello I need answers. Last summer 2010 my cousin was supose to come to my house after my birthday but at the last minute she desided to let me down and she desided to go see a concert she tried to call me back to tell me she would come but I hung up on her I said no go see the damn concert...I was hurt and angry but now I'm more hurt cuz my cousin gave me the silent treatment next week it will be a year we have stop talking and we were close. During the holidays 2010 I saw her but we didnt talk or look at eachother it was cold . Its still cold. There is a wedding in july my other cousin is getting maried...and she will be there it will be awkward to talk to her again since its been a year . I dont have the courage to go up to her and say sorry. I'm still hurt cuz she gave me the silent treatment . I know I will see her at the wedding but once I do I dont know what to say to her I'm so stressed out these days cuz of that and my parents knows that I dont want to go cuz of the situation. I'm still not going should I go and make amends with my cousin. She is very important to me it feels i've lost a piece of me...I cry a lot cuz I regret and I still think I dont deserve to be forgiven...



Why are people obsessed with male anal sex on here and shoehorn it in on a religious context?

They haven't matured beyond the Freudian stage of development in which he says that children are obsessed with their anus.

Answer this questio when u not an C*NT! I F*CKING HATE THE DAMN DIRTY INDIANS! are u too?

answer this question when u not an C*NT! I F*CKING HATE THE DAMN DIRTY INDIANS! cuz those punka$$es over f*cking exploded! Are u agree with that? And don't try to give me the sh!t. When u an indian C*NT! OK!! DIRTY F*CKING N00B INDIANS!! don't **** with me!! or i'm gonna cut your f*cking NUTS off and i'm gonna shove it up your momas A$$!!



What do you think of these boy names?

We are stuck between two boy names Evian and Aryan what do you think? We are not pronouncing aryan like are-ee-on or ar-ee-on but like uh-ryan so basically bryan with an A making the UH sound. any suggestions for pretty boy names that are unique but not crazy? We're kind of going for greek myth roman victorian historical nothing common.

What do high-ranking prison gang members do with all the money they make?

I've been watching a few documentaries about prison gangs and I don't understand what they do with all the money from their enterprise. For example the Aryan brotherhood makes millions of dollars each year but many of them are serving life sentences so they have nothing to spend it on. I'm sure some goes to drugs but what else? Thanks.

Can you guys find me a good computer that will run WoW on ultra?

I've looked EVVVEERRYYWWHHEERREE!!!!!! For a god damn good PC that is about $600-$700, that can at LEAST run WoW on high but I want Ultra, Can you guys PLEASE find me one ON AMAZON, I need one on Amazon plz, Thanks all. :3

Baby Boy Name ' Aryan' , Opinion ?

We are expecting a baby boy in June 2011 and I would like to go for an Indian name starting with 'A'. We like 'Aryan' as a name a lot, I would like to know the opinion of others on this and any other suggestion. Thanks

What kind of jobs could I get with a degree in Biochemistry (or other related fields)?

Hey I'm a high school freshman (well incoming sophomore is more like it) and I was wondering about college so I'm probably going to be asking about 8 or 9 of these since I have a lot of interests (religion, politics, multiple sciences, music, writing, aka too god damn many). I want to get an idea about what I can possibly do with different degrees in different areas. Thank you :)

What does it mean when you dream about an unknown guy that hugs you?

I had this really weird dream last night . I dreamed that i was in this big empty warehouse/building . There was also a monster chasing me around that place . I remembered myself running faster and faster from it , but i somehow fell down from the fourth level to the first level . Then , I continued running there and ran into this guy . And , I have never seen or met that guy before in my life so far. He looked somewhere my aged and he hugged me , treating me like as if I was his girlfriend or something . I don't understand why but I burst into tears after that . I know this dream sounds weird but the image of that unknown guys is stuck in my head . I want to know why I had this very weird dream . Please give me some comments .

Plot Hole in Death Note?

In the end scene of death note there are three notebooks one that near has the second aizawa has on hime and the third Light has on his body so he doesnt lose his memory because he told ryuk he gave up possession of it and gave it to miekami. couldnt light have wrote all there names in the notebook when he got away from the warehouse? did anyone else notice this?

POLL FOR TWITTERERS: What was your very first tweet ?

I too have a Twitter account but haven't a clue what to 'tweet' lol. I've had it for a few months now and still haven't come up with anything to impress fellow Twitters. ;((

Reoccurring nightmares?

I'm not sure, but here is something you could try....we often incorporate things that we hear into our dreams. Play something happy on TV, or music on a radio that is just loud enough that its not too loud to keep you from sleeping. Hopefully, as you are dreaming, those sounds will be incorporated into your dreams and make it different, or maybe you will realize you are dreaming and change it.

Do you like my sean poem?

Sean Quick gimme a pen I just saw sean penn I think he was in A few good men He's not with Scarlet He needs a new starlet He needs me I can see it now Me and Sean at the disco I'm at the bar whilst he's dancin to sisqo Wait he's dancin with my friend stacey He's dancing like he's Al pacino Hes bein racy No no stacey I can't believe sean did this in reno I need a damn cappacino

Bias in college courses on racism in America?

So, I have been taking this course in my college here at USF called "Racism in America". Today, we had a 2 hour long video viewing about various hate groups and separatist groups, the Skin Heads, KKK, Aryan Nations etc, but in the 2 hours of this video lecture detailing the aspects of hatred on the web. It detailed atrocities like the OKC Bombing, and various hate related murders committed by these groups. In this 2 hour segment, at the end, there was a pamphlet opened from the SPLC detailing the hate groups in this country and their locations. They showed various categories (Skin Heads, KKK, White Separatists) and towards the end of the pamphlet, there was a section called "Black Separatists". There was no mention of this until a student (who happened to be black) asked "What are black separatists"? The professor said "Oh, those are racist groups like Yahweh ben Yahweh". At this point, I was fed up with the lack of objectivity and pointed out that Yahweh ben Yahweh was a group that systematically abducted and ritually killed homeless white people to the class. The professor then said "I don't know, but most of the racist acts are done by these(white supremacist) groups". He damn well knew. Why is black separatism, and other racist organizations like La Raza Unida Party and M.E.Ch.A. glossed over in these college courses about racism in America? Is there some unspoken rule against it? Is there some ****** up "honor system" where nobody can mention it? Is there a cabal among Libtards that prevents them from being honest, fair and objective? Any feedback is appreciated, except for morons who want to call me racist, GTFO, it's a fair question.

What can i do? please help.?

well lets start from the beginning, i have a step mom that has completely ruined my life seriously, she has ruined me and my dad relationship that we used to have, i refuse to like her in any way possible, i hate her with all my life and plan on dancing on her grave when she dies, today is my birthday im 16 finally and what do i get for my birthday i get to watch her child and make her happy and be nice to her, great its my damn birthday and i got to watch her. my step mom has 4 kids with my dad three boys and one girl i do NOT consider them as any relation to me what so ever, she never watches them i mean never, me and my younger brother who is 15 we watch them 24/7 no lie, no one understands they say they do but they really don't, and there's pretty much nothing i can do except leave but i would have to go to court and all that crap, and if i did that then i would break me and my dads relationship forever, idk what to do my family says that i need to talk to someone like a therapist, but i don't have money for that crap and my parents wont do crap for me, because if it doesn't involve my step mom she's not going to do it. but anyways is there someone that i can talk to like online somewhere maybe or just maybe might have someone on here that understand my story? i mean there is ALOT more to it, this is just very little of it, so yeah please help i really need someone that want judge me on this. i have one friend that understands but she cant help we have talked about me running away and all kinds of stuff but we cant think of anything else. and i fill like every time i talk to her about it, im just complaining and talking about myself and i hate when i fill like that. so please please help.

Do people in Northern India and Pakistan look Aryan or Germanic/Slavic?

Man this whole Aryan-Dravidian theory is fake...Aryan is a Vedic term.EVERY Indian is an Aryan...but an American white guy is not an Aryan...and Indians look the same wherever they came from..South,North and West look more or less the same but East differs a little bit

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Friend is addicted to World of Warcraft What do I Do?

Hi, my 14 year old friend has recently taken up playing WoW (World of Warcraft) an online role playing game. I know about this game as i have had bad personal experiences with it before. I lost my old best friend to this game and I have seen it split apart families. I accepted the fact that he played it but made him swear on his life that he would not get addicted. Well today i asked him if he would like to hang out after school and guess what he said? "Nah" so i asked Aww why not? Presuming that he had work and he said "umm i wanna play WoW." This shattered me. Again this god damn game is ruining my social life and i need any advice I can get. No stupid answers like get new friends please because i'm not like that and we are both a part of a group that i am not leaving as i have other good friends in it. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks.

My ex is confusing me, what to do?

I broke up with my ex about a week ago. She hasn't contacted me since. But she added me as a friend on facebook, and now she takes the time to email me to say that my email account got hacked (You know, those ones where it sends out spam from your email address) I think I got it sorted, as I changed my password. But anyway, she doesn't contact me for all this time, then she says this. She told my best mate that she cheated on me, and then when I confronted her, she denied it altogether. I loved this girl so damn much. I tried everything to make it work. She was my world, and I had it threw back into my face. We were best friends for about five years in high school, and she liked me for about a year beforehand. She wants it back to the friendship stage, where we could be like we were then. It seems like a good idea from the start, but I don't see it working as she hurt me. What does anyone make of this? What is she trying to do? She told me herself that she wasn't ready for a commitment. Yet, she could have told me that before.

What does it mean if someone has the tattoo "SS"?

Schutzstaffel was the elite protection unit of nazi germany... there were combat and non-combat branches like waffen SS, administration and life guards etc

Flying Dream meaning?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

My husband was medically discharged from the army and nobody will hire him?

It was only for asthma but now nobody will hire him anywhere. He has applied everywhere and has not had one interview. he does not have much work experience besides being in the army and warehouse work and restaurant work. What should we do? :(

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Is This Spolier True !!!!!!!!!!!?

ya it is for the next raw and if cena loses he will get fired so this makes the match more fun to watch

RHH: Rate/Hate my latest verse?

If you were a good technical rapper (if your flows on point, your voice, your breath control) and you continue to spit verses like this, you'd get signed to an underground label without a doubt. Seriously, a mic, you're an incredible lyricist.

What do you think of someone who has swastikas in his profile?

We have a lot of extreme right-wing whackos in this country. They use the anonymity of the Internet to spread their hate. Also, the American Nazi Party has been in existence in this country for decades. They are as hate-filled as their original role models.

CALLING ALL GAMERS!! GTA IV vs Just Cause 2?!?! Which should I choose?

I know both are open world, an you don't have to follow the storyline if you don't want to. Are there uninhabited islands on either where I can go do whatever I want an not be bothered by anyone else? And most importantly can I either buy or steal like a house or property where I can stash copters on the roof and vehicles inside, like a regular house or a warehouse? With the helicopters on the roof so I can escape if I need to by air.just somewhere that's MINE. That I can barricade myself inside. Which game is better?!?! Which "world" is bigger help!!

A social grouping of people all the of the same class is known as a (Insert Answer Here)?

caste. the caste system has long since been removed in the old part of the sense, but the new one has been applied to our everyday lives. we refer to one of the levels as Middle class" hahaha

Is it true that Aran is the original name of Azerbaijan?

yes persians and russians were fighting over that area and later both agreed to rename this as azerbaijan.

Wrongfully accused of food stamp fraud?

My bf called and told me that his mom had spoken to his dad and is in the works of trying to report me for food stamp fraud. I am currently pregnant with my bf son, and I have a 4 yo son by another man who does not support my son. Because I am 9 months pregnant and I work in warehousing I of course had to go on leave. I am not normally on fs, just for the time being until I return to work, I make regularly 38k a year. My bf and I lived together but I decided to move out because his mom was always starting arguments with me etc. Today she physically attacked me and I called the cops. They told me to get a TPO on her to keep her away from me. My bf and I don't currently live together, he owns a house, she lives with him. So when I got the fs he was not on my app, but I go over his house which is about 10 minutes from where I stay. Is there any way I can call the agency and let them know the situation, I even have a police report, so that they don't cut off my fs due to her false allegations. I only get enough for 2 ppl, me and my son, my bf is nowhere on my app because we don't live together but I know his mom will try to lie and say otherwise.

Has anyone ever worked as a warehouse worker for Pepsi?

How did you like it? I've worked at Walmart as a truck unloader/overnight stocker for a few months and recently applied to pepsi due to the pay increase (14/hr at pepsi vs 8.65/hr at Walmart) as well as the more favorable hours (pepsi goes from 3-midnight walmart goes from 10pm to 7am). If you've worked for pepsi or a similar company how did you like the experience? All comments are welcome!!!

Is it this bad that I can't find a job (2011)?

[I miss working at Martin Brower and Valspar] I been laid off since October of 2010 and I knew it was coming because the same issue happen to a previous warehouse I worked at, Martin Brower(2005). Last year I worked for Valspar a Plant/DC site that lost the Walmart account. So that means a decrease in the work load and less money for the company. When I first I heard that we were losing the account during the meeting it was a flashback for me all over again when I was worked for Martin Brower it a similar situation because they lost the Quiznos account so that's how I knew. Some of the employees had no clue because they never been laid before and some had very few warehouse experience. It took about a month before the company announce what was really going to happen during the process of losing the Walmart account and everyone had their own ideas of what was going to happen but I knew differently someone was gettin' laid off and majority of times they go by seniority. It just tough looking for work right now. It's tough in general for me, just life period. I just have to say something because I am tired of being beat down when I'm trying my best to make my life better, **** happens. Growing up was a **** hole for me and still is... Can't I just find a decent job that will help me pay my bills and help me save for my future? I can't even go to school because that requires money, Money, Money, Money. Right now I am living in a low-income studio and my only income is my unemployment benefit and that won't even last. I just want to go to work and go to school part time like I did in the previous years. Is there anyone else who is the same boat as me? I been looking and drive around. I even applied at probably 6-7 different counties in the bay area and in the valley of California.The worst part is I live in Stockton, California now, I mean I had to move back here again after the lay off. Stockton is all bad, I lived here for about 20+ years so I know what I am talking about when it comes to employment in this corrupt city. I tried various website, you name it, I applied and registered. Sometimes what I do is drive around and write on a piece of paper the name company that I can find and come back home and apply online and at time I do go to the front clerk and ask for application and majority of times they would they have an online application on their website. Or I would google for example "warehouse distribution center, California" and list of companies would pop up and I would apply and send a resume to all of them. I would look through out Sacramento County, San Joaquin County, Bay Area Counties just looking for any jobs that I feel that I qualify. I made account with, Indeed,, etc.. It goes on. The main thing I see most are jobs that require a certificate or degree. I have none so it is going to be a challenge for me. Other than just warehouse jobs, I do look for other types of jobs like: production worker, material handler, truck driver assistant, merchandiser, store associates, etc. Please feel free to give some pointers and feel free to tell your side of the story if you are going through the same thing. Thank you and bless those who are struggling not just looking for work but struggling with life.

How can i get an upgrade? ?

I got my blackberry 9300 in october with a 24 month contract of 25.00 a month..I use international calls so my bill is usually �70.00 a month. I didn't realise that the new blackberry looks similar to this but is around 300.00 was out a few weeks after. How can I get an upgrade? Its with 02 but carphone warehouse store

Why does my fully German family have olive skin and black hair?

I've been mistaken for a Latino, Native American, Arab, and an Italian. We have all the features of those people but the ancestor we get the features from is a full blood German. It has been suggested that maybe we were jewish but they were devout Roman Catholic. Is there so string of Germans with these features as apposed to the "Aryan" features Hitler and my teacher says Germans should have?

How did Sanskrit come about?

Did the Aryans that invaded classical India bring it with them? How did the Aryans influence the language?

How can i deal with this? Its driving me crazy!?

Nothing you can do. But heres a plan. Be her friend and a good one. Show her that your a nice guy, so if something happens you can get her. Somewould say this is a ticket to the friend zone but not really if you know what your doing. IT would work better than just coming out of nowhere and trying to get with her. This seems to be the only way. Good luck man

Is it safe to travel to Germany these days?

I am not of the Aryan race, and I am really scared what people might do to me once I get there for my business trip in June. Which areas are particularly dangerous to people of non-Aryan bloodline? I will be mostly in the Eastern part of Germany, which I have been told is particularly dangerous to non-Aryans.

Ladies, does this sound like the perfect guy to be with?

So this guy is young, in college at least, he is an excellent sense of humor and will make you laugh your pants out, he is a football player and enjoys lifting and body building, although he does not have a six pack, but he is pretty damn big and muscular. In his free time he enjoys going out and having a blast, and being with his family ( family person as well). He loves to cook and is very good at it, and he would most certainly cook for you anytime. He also is very much so into cars and motorcycles, and owns a muscle car like a corvette. His occupation is working as a chef in a restaurant. So ladies, tell me, does this sound like a good guy??

Atheists: Why are Christians so nice?

I know what you're going to say. "They can be some of the most hateful people ever!", I realize that. Just like you have axe murderer Atheist, you have the Atheist that donates thousands to charity. But it seems like, especially the youth, are SO damn nice. I went to a youth thing at a church I go to, and they are insanely nice to me, much more than non-Christian teens. And I don't understand there ecstatic kindness and optimism. Sure, they've been sold lies, potentially dangerous and immoral lies. But I felt at home with them; is that their deluded means of luring you in, or is there something there?

How to play original Xbox game on 360 Slim 4gb?

Microsoft are a bunch of damn right liars, I download Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to my Xbox 360 Slim 4GB and b4 I downloaded it, it said "This game has been fully tested to work on your Xbox 360 Console, However, you may experience slight glitches with sound/video.' I PAYED for it, downloaded it, THEN it says when I try to play the game: 'You Must Attach An Xbox 360 Hard Drive To Play Original Xbox Games.' I have a genuine Xbox 360 Hard Drive and transfer cable but one, the Xbox has a HDD built in >_> and two, how can i put a frickkin Xbox Hard Drive on a 4gb Slim????/ WTF!!!!

Pakistan or India which of these two countries you like?

From what you have said, I would choose Pakistan and also because i think it is ridiculous and an insult to God to believe that an elephant can be a God and that a woman can have 6 arms. Dont get me wrong, i like indian food and i love their clothes and beautiful colours. But there are some things in hindu religion that are not fair and inhumane

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How it is possible that Sanskrit is related with Greek and Latin?

These are all in the Indo-European language family, but they diverged from one another very early on. In fact, Hellenic (Greek) and Indo-Aryan (which gave rise to Sanskrit) were among the first major branches in the Indo-European tree. Italic came not long after, and led to Latin and Italian. Because these divisions happened early, there are large differences between the languages (particularly Sanskrit vs. Greek and Latin). Only a linguist would see similarities.


Soo my guy hes always tellin me nd calling me sweet thingss...... But im not sure about these two.. 1 was " Damn Girl Your lips make me crazy" nd the 2 was " everytime we kiss I feel like im in heaven" :D! .... What is that supposed to mean.... P.s. I have kissed him... Like not a peck but a real kiss..

Ladies: How to get a hard-to-get girl?

Typical romance novel. HAHA. But you should just try to be sweet and patient. Say hi to her, become her friend first and when she's comfortable with you, then BAM. Pull out the big guns. Give her flowers, be extra sweet. This might take a while since she might have had trauma or something from people who broke her heart. Make sure you are ready first before committing :-bd Good luck.

Nazi statements concerning Gypsy ethnicity?

Any statement made by the The Third Reich in reference to the "non-Aryan" aspect of Roma genealogy is welcome, thanks.

Metal gear online access problem!?!?

Alright so its been a while since ive played metal gear solid online. thing is i cant remember the email and password ive used....i typed in every possible combination i can think of and no success so i instead opted for my new email address linked to my playstation account, the registering was successful but now it says ive used my free account priveledge for the game which was registered to the god damn ID i cant remember id now either have to pay for a new account (which i cant do atm) or spend this whole night busting my brain for answers...but atm the only thing im busting is a vein in my there a way to bypass this or some kind of measure i can use to access it or am i totally screwed?

Poll: Agree or Disagree......?

There are a lot of people who call you by your name, but there is only ONE PERSON who can make it sound so damn SPECIAL

Can Christianity & Islam be compared to National Socialism?

Well lets put it this way. In a sense God is calling you deaf and blind that how can you deny him. What is it that you believe that nature created you? Does this nature of your have a brain that makes a human and all the necessities it needs? You should look at this world outside of the box not how everyone else is looking at it. The punishment exists as stated in Quran which itself is miraculous which i hope you read because it would answer all your questions.

Hispanic people what would you do if this happened to you?

So my five friends and I were walking into burger king. This guy behind us loudly said "why are there so many damn Mexicans? Is there a sale on bean burritos or something?" we quickly turned around and looked at him and he looked scared once he saw my guy friends who are 6'4" and who are soccer players. We left the place before someone caused a scene. Btw none of us are mexican we're salvadorean, not that I have anything against Mexicans. What would you have done in this situation.

Has anyone who loves Obama researched his mentor(read his book) Mr. Marshall Davis?

Frank Marshall Davis, one of the greatest influences on the young Obama was a member of the Communist Party USA and also quite perverted in his views on sex. Was this just a bad choice of a mentor by Obama or is Marshall Davis living again through Obama? Who is this Barack Hussein we really know? First, he could no more reject Rev. Wright than his own grandmother until the public heard the "God Damn America" rhetoric. Than, Obama could not jettison Rev. Wright fast enough. What is the public began to research his real mentor, Frank Marshall Davis? What would Obama do then? Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Scyfy Series Sancuary - did it get any better?

I gave up after the fith or sixth ep so I guess the answer to your question is no. Also if you are looking for stuff to watch on Netflix try Babylon 5 all the episodes are avalibe even though the first season is kind of slow it gets a lot better.

Is it normal to NOT have side effects after taking Plan B? (Emergency contraception)?

Look at any material you were given with the pills and read again the sentence which looks like this "May cause some side effects". Notice the word MAY. Side effects are never guaranteed when taking any pharmaceutical product. EVER. I'm really, REALLY glad you don't want to have children.

What did Hitler mean by the Aryan race? Was he Aryan himself?

their aim was to Create an aryan pure nation, when some one wants to Create something it means that the "thing" does not yet exist! most of the NAZI's were not pure aryans but they were about to this for their children.

Who were the Aryans and what do they have to do with Hitler?

What is the Aryan race? I am learning about Hitler and WWII and I don't understand about the Aryans.

Poll did I do the mature thing?

Yes you just awnser as if it's ok there's lots of other fish in the sea, just think one more broken heart is one more step closer to a full heart <3

Argh! Tell me what to do ):?

go talk to your parents, or your principle. or take your parents with you to the principle. either way, find someone that this woman will listen to. don't apologize. you don't have any reason to. unless it's a matter of life and death, don't apologize.

I need help with my bias?

Whenever I see a Jew, I can't help but feel an extreme, primal hatred for him or her. I always think of how the Jews are the ones suppressing us Aryans, and how the Jews are the weakling subhumans that drag us all down. Please help, I don't want to be biased!

Can a company fire for bereavment during the 90 day probationary period?

My mom was working at a cell phone warehouse and they fired her for absences she did when she went to her dad's funeral. They are saying that they can do that since she was in the 90 day probationary period. Can they really do that? We live in Texas.

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Where do these gents get their insight, wisdom, and knowledge?

Most likely from experiencing their life and from good advice they've received from their parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else who has been in a committed relationship and worked through all of their problems without taking the easy way out by divorce.

Leave town and start a new life?

Throughout the past few months, I've realized that the tiny town I live in just isn't gonna cut it. I've recently graduated High School, and most of my best friends are moving elsewhere for college. I'd go but it seems the world just loves to f**k me over in every way it can so I can't pay. (Family won't help, and can't get financial aid) And on top of that, the "friends" I have have always come to me for advice and someone to talk to, and now whenever I try to talk to someone, they ignore me and start talking about their problems again. And as for my family, there's nobody that really gives a damn. So I personally feel that my time in this town is up. There's nothing left for me here. I'm thinking about continuing work till spring, and with the cash I have saved up, get on a bus or train, get far, far away from here and start a new life somewhere else. Just about everyone I'm sure has wanted a fresh start before. Any ideas, suggestions, or general words of wisdom?

Why does Satan give food stamps to poor people?

I got laid off of my job a while back, and was applying for food stamps. I listed my pastor as a reference on the application, and I got approved. My pastor called me about a week later, and asked why I was applying; I told him that I had gotten laid off and could not find a job. He told me that food stamps are a dying program that steals from the pious in order to give to the damned; I further learned that only evil would enable sloth by not having people work and rewarding them for their laziness; I now realize that I must work to dig through garbage cans for food; I have taken my spirituality to the next level, and I could not be happier; I feel sure that I am amongst the elect. But, why is it that I must suffer to be pious; why does Satan help the poor?

Why are only White Majority Countries forced to accept immigrants from other races?

because whites were the source of atrocities such as air travel, cars, railroads, electricity, democracy, modern indoor plumbing (toilets), penicillin, computers, etc.

All good atrologers...please sugges, advise, help...whatever you can do for me..thanks?

Nothing to finished in life before you know from astrologers and after nothing to start very nice every thing is on your hand if you have a good self confidence you can do anything in your life i also suffering same problem in past but my efforts and never loos my confidence after some time every thing is going better and i am very happy

What are the preferred races for Jews to blend with?

to help dissolve their tainted flesh? I heard it was aryans at one point, now i see many are turning more towards the africans...

Did Jesus really walk the earth? (blonde hair blue eyed Aryans only please?)?

hmmm i have to say he did theres proof and god loved everyone not just blue eyes aryans you pathethic scum

Culturally speaking, why are bIack women so loud and aggressive? Why can't they be classy like Aryan women?

Every time I see them outside, they are always shouting about the latest soldier boy song and fighting each other over buckets of fried chicken. It is so undignified.

Why are persians considered caucasian?

You are correct in that Persians are Aryans, real Aryans, not the Nazi negative fantasy. Iran actually is derived from the root word Aryan!!!! Persians are considered Caucasians because of their cranial and other skeletal structures.

Rice cooker is not working as water entered !! How to repair ?

i tried to wash it and accidentally dropped it in the sink full of water . damn ! what to do now ? even the display is not working . already waited for 4 hours to let it dry .Nothing changed .

Should i change my phone?

That sounds like a good idea, especially if you can afford it. Normally, the warehouse would ship the phone to you.

On windows 7 starter which should I use....?

Suspend or Hibernate..... Dont want to screw up my battery by leaving it always connected to the charger..... Turning it off and on all the time takes a while because there are ALWAYS damn updates to install......... Brilliant Window's.... the net book is only a few days old and its already installed about a million updates..... Are windows really so unsure about their new system ?

CO2 calculations in cold warehouse!?

Hello, My name is Alex Martinez and I am a master student of Supply Chain and Logistics at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. Currently I am writing my master thesis and I am calculating how much CO2 is generated in a warehouse with a volume of 250.000 cubic metres. On average, how many KwH are needed to keep one cubic metre cool? I found out several values ranging from 0.9 to 3.5 kwH per cubic foot. 35.315 cubic feet is a cubic metre. If I multiply 35.315 x 0.9 KwH I have 31,78 kwH per cubic metre. If I multiply this number with the CO2 emission factor per KwH in the Netherlands is : 54,9 kwH x 392 (grams Co2) is 12459 gms CO2 per KwH, which means 12.45 kgs Co2 per kwH. If I multiply 12.45 kgs of CO2/m3 x 250000m3 I have 3,114,783 kgs (3,115 tonnes) of CO2, for just one day! Is that true? Are my calculations correct??? Kind regards and I truly hope for your reply! Alex

Plz plz help do u think she likes him?? wat do u think?? 10points for best answer thanks ?

Maybe he is just over reacting but maybe not he should concentrate on her personality towards him but maybe she was just teasing him honestly id leave it for a while and see what happens but do not go giving her any commitments because she might just be using him

What happens to all the things confiscated at the airport?

Awww honey what happens to those stuff are that they give it to sell for cheap online. May give it to the poor or may throw them away depending on how old the item is and how dangerous it is. It also depends on which country and state or city you are living in. :)

Why dont Ethiopians and Somali's aknowlege the fact that they have mixed ancestry?

Every human being on the face of this earth is mixed with something. ...but I don't think anyone cares but you. Didn't you already ask this question under another name?

My friends back from USA - shocking c/w music?

My friends came back from states after 4 years of university studies, they told me that all the country and western stars are affiliated member with KKK, Aryan brotherhood or white supremacist group and belong to the chapter in their state of birth , i asked a lot of them they say yes- light me up is it true

Whats with the anger..?

Umm... What was ur question? Go let out ur anger. Itll make u feel better. Bottling it up will make u go NUTS. I mean did u read what u wrote? Go rip someones head off if u have to.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is anyone even the slightest bit surprised that McKinsey & Co., the far right think tank that released a?

Polls and statistics can be manipulated to prove any point. It all depends on the questioning and methods. Learn to think for yourself instead of believing polls from any source.

Stay cool during summer when exercising?

I go to a badminton camp and the courts are in a warehouse. Well its suppose to be 90+ degrees tomorrow, and I need to stay cool especially in a stuffy sweaty hot place like the warehouse. What can I do to stay cool and reduce the chances of feeling fatigue or overheated? Today I felt nauseous and dizzy. I really don't want that to happen again.

Do white guys in prison have to join gangs like the Aryan brotherhood?

Have to? No. Not all jails are the same. The news and tv channels only show the hard hitting hard criminal jails. If they showed a regular prison it would be boring. So No.

Help please! Canada job offer?

Likely to get a job offer in Canada as a warehouse man/driver..I have 7 years of experience in courier driving and 6 year of experience as being a warehouse man...would this help me to obtain a job offer from a canadian employer?

Didn't the Germanic people believe that they too were an "exceptional" race in the 1930's?

Conservative talk show hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham keep referring to "American exceptionalism" which reminds me of Adolph Hitler referring to Aryan superiority.

I am just annoyed with "friend"?

My roommate continues to break up with her girlfriend 6 times this month and twice this week. She sit here and tells me how its over and she means it for real. Its starting to get annoying and played out. I mean like really twice this week. I know some people may say that its none of this is my business, but she is sitting here every time saying ITS REALLY OVER and HOW DONE SHE IS with her. Its starting make her look crazy. I mean I have been in love before, but damn. This is straight up crazy and stupidity. I am tired of giving this girl advice. Its JUST POINTLESS. And why do she sit her and talk to me about it, If she knows she gonna do the same damn thing. Its crazy.

Can I use one set of water pipes for multiple purposes in my home?

I want to move in to a warehouse that currently has very rudimentary plumbing - a toilet, a drain, and pipes for hot and cold water in the bathroom, and another set of hot and cold pipes with a drain where a kitchen could be. Is it possible to use just these two sets of pipes to install sinks, a bathtub/shower, a dishwasher, and a washing machine? Is there a limit to how many different things you can do with one set of pipes? Do I need access to underneath the floor?

How do i pronounce Bersa Thunder 380?

do i say Bersa Thunder Three Eighty? How do I ask for ammo at the gun shop? Three Eighty ammo? I was given the gun with ammo and I would like to buy more but don't want to feel dumb walking into sportsmans warehouse and saying something wrong. :) Thanks!

I need to know if it this or something else,what do you think?

Im 13 and yesterday i had my first smoke and well nothing big but doesnt matter to me at times i want to smoke but i only done it once and anyway i feel by ******* day i am angry and sad at the same damn time! im sick of it I get a big wave of sadness for no reason and then angry to the point i hit myself (rare) and few days ago i made a threat to my mom..i didnt mean to but she got me mad and im a no way a animal abuser but every time it worse and worse to the point im hurting my beautiful self-hatred has grown for a long time and the anger as well and i wanna know how to stop feeling like sh!t!!! Now,I feel angry all the time and pretty much sad the whole time i just turned 13...what if its because im hormonal??? Im a girl so yeah im in differents mood at the same time so i need a bit of advice to stop feeling this way or what?

Are most people in Europe considered "aryans"? (is Europe the region of most Aryans in world?)?

There was a historic group known as the Aryans who on horseback took over some northern part of India in very ancient times. I say "ancient" because it was written down thus making it considered historical instead of prehistorical. There is confusion about their looks whether they were dark skinned or dark haired. During the late 1800s or early 1900s some mystical group said that the Aryans were descendants of Atlantis and that is where the description of blonde hair came from. This is where Hitler got his ideas.

Was Hitler the ideal Aryan i.e German, Blonde hair, Blue eyes, 6ft tall?

I like your first answer. People assume wrongly about Hitler. He is an Austrian he is NOT Jewish at all- not half Jewish not three quarters Jewish, He is entirely an Anglo Saxon Austrian! Aryan doesnt mean anything more than non European person!

How to connect old macbook to tv?!?!? HELP!?

I have the regular white macbook (NOT pro). It doesn't have the small dvi port think like the new ones have. I have an adapter connected with an s-video cord connected to my tv. There's also the option of using a yellow video cord.. I know that i might have to have everything plugged in THEN turn on my computer, but when i do that, it just takes forever to load up and just gets stuck on the dark blue screen before the desktop shows up. I don't know what to do to make this damn thing work! I've been trying literally for 2 hours!!

I need advice please ?

Before I tell my problem here is a little about me so you'll understand. I'm 14 years old. I just finished my first year in high school. I'm 5 feet and 1 inch. I also am 119 lbs. I always try to be like someone else especially my sister. It seems like everyone likes her better than me. I'm afraid to be myself. I think it's because i'm worried about what people think. I have low self esteem I think i'm too fat. One reason is because everyone in my house is smaller than me. I am the oldest kid in my house. Some of my siblings say i am fat. I feel like a talentless freak. My parents put me in a home schooling program cause they didn't want me to go to a high school. I never wanted to be home schooled. Ever since I've been home schooled I don't see my friends as much and I also gained 20 pounds. I want to the gym but my parents are super strict they barely let me do anything. I used to be good around other people. Now when I go to parties or sleepovers I'm glad to see my friends but I feel weird. I don't really talk because my sister tells me I always say dumb stuff. When I do talk I get sweaty and shakey. Then when I come home I think damn I should've said such and such. I don't even feel comfortable talking to my mom or aunts. The only person I feel comfortable talking to my sister who is 15 months younger than me. But most of the time she doesn't seem to understand me. My sister is very pretty she's also slim and tall she's like 5 inches taller than me. I'm short and fat I want to loose 20 lbs she said if I loose that much weight I will look bad. But i dont have a flat stomach. I would do almost anything for one. I want a therapist but I'm to shy to tell anyone, and I'm afraid that I'm going to look bad. I'm not really close to my mom or dad.

PLEASE HELP!!! Why am I so damn Happy? Haha?

Everyone tells me I need to grow up, but I don't really get why. I'm never really Mad,Sad, Negative or basically anything like that. I always have fun no matter what the situation is. I don't really have a family at home and I always get high and party. But everyone thinks it's weird how I act so energetic even when I don't sleep for a couple days at a time. I try so hard to make everyone to cheer-up, mellow out, chill down and everything. And they still call me Immature and a class clown. I find it weird sometimes, but it's like WTF? I'm just trying to make everybody have a good time. At first i thought I tried to make people like me, then I realized that i don't care what they think. I party regardless. I'm a very rebellious dude, and I don't really like societies "system" it takes the fun out of life. I try hard to encourage having fun everywhere. I'm not really useful to society because I blow crap up and do stupid things. But I'm just babbling at this point, anyway am I too happy? should I just start being "normal" and stop being so crazy?

Does my school have a right to ask for my parents income tax returns?

I'm going to Kent State University. My EFC is above my 'financial need'. All that I expect to get is a parent PLUS loan. The school won't even tell me whether I have any scholarships or anything pending if I turn in my parents W-2s and tax returns. I don't think they have the right to ask for this stuff considering the circumstances. It's really none of their business what my parents spend their money on. Is there a way to find out whether I have anything pending? Also, are there any rights I have regarding privacy to not give them the tax returns? I tried emailing the financial aid counselor and they don't know a damn thing. Honestly they get salaries??!! BS!! They told me to use the online scholarship search tool which comes up with random **** like scholarships for people whose parents work for certain companies or who have financial need. They tried telling me that most of the scholarships were merit based. WOW they haven't even looked at the site before obviously.

Question about noninfantry MOS in the Marine Corps?

Okay, my original MOS was an 03xx but I left for boot camp a month earlier and ended up getting stuck with a POG supply job. I enlisted because I wanted to experience life as an infantryman as crazy as it sounds. But my question is for those of you that may know what I'm talking about, how much time outside of the wire will I see? I don't want to be a FOBbit, I want to feel like I'm doing my part for the Marine Corps and actually fighting. I was told in MCT that I could volunteer for patrols and the QRF. Is this true? Also, in the other MCT training platoon, we had a combat instructor whose original MOS was Warehouse clerk but he'd had combat experience, did he volunteer also? Anything is much appreciated! Thanks!

Is feminism a supremacy movement?

if you read their rhetoric and eplace the words 'women' 'patriarchy' and 'men' with 'blacks' 'aryans' and other racial almost looks like something from any KKK blog. dont believe me, try for yourself.

Where can I find discounter to buy my clothing overstock, low low price.?

I have so many over stocks, planning to close the warehouse now, I have blouses, sweaters, dresses, jeans ... etc. Looking to sell directly to local discounter, can someone help?

Is there a way to make your period end quicker?

I started my period on sunday, its been 2 days since I have been on my period, today is a very nice day and I want to go swimming very bad, the problem is I'm still on my period! damn it! is there a way to make my period end quicker and not bleed anymore?

I am a bengali,and last yr i went to africa.and in that country.many peoples are saying that bengali?

is a hebrew latin language..even though bengali is not a latin but an indo aryan language.then why are they thinking like that?

Evian or this or that one HELP!?

We are stuck between two boy names Evian and Aryan what do you think? We are not pronouncing aryan like are-ee-on or ar-ee-on but like uh-ryan so basically bryan with an A making the UH sound. also evian is not pronounced like the water bottle its a mix of evan and ian so its ev-ian. any suggestions for pretty boy names that are unique but not crazy? We're kind of going for greek myth roman victorian historical nothing common.

Where abouts did the German Nazis say that the Aryan race originally came from ?

if u study the immigration history of white people u will see whole white race has originated from Ural-Altai vicinity, from aryans, khazars, bulgars, hungarians, germans (according to hitler), goths, and others may be i dont know.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is the Term Ayran race offensive to people?

It all depends on the context of your utterance of it. I mean , if you are covered with white power tats and your hair is cut really short then yeah it's racist.

21nova roulette betting amount question?

So basically I am considering signing up to 21nova to play roulette and blackjack a little for fun (damn cruising - it got me hooked! lol) but I was just wondering what the minimum and maximum bet for both roulette and blackjack are, so i can decide if it's worth it or if i have no chance of even winning back a few pounds. I'll be using the UK site, so preferably in pounds please.

A question about prison gangs?

so a friend of mine has a lot of white pride tattoos and swastika tattoos and stuff like that and i just got to thinking. if he evr got sent to prison could he go up and approach an aryan prison gang about joining? or would he have to wait for them to come to him

What race do i belong to???(dravidian,aryan etc)?

i was born in south india when i was born i was very fair.i got a tan later due to the heat in mom is dark.her mom is very very fair and her dad is dark.her sis is also extremely fair.i am short and most in my family are short.what race do i belong too??????????/

Which percentage of India's 1 billion people look almost just like Russians or Germans? (except darker)?

The people of North Western India, especially occupied Kashmir and the Punjab, tend to have lighter skin than other parts of India, which indicates that they have a higher percentage of Aryan blood. People from Southern India have darker skins and most of them are known to be Dravidians.

Why do Southern Protestants always try to claim they are a peaceful people when everyone knows their?

Mega-Churches are essentialy universities for White Supremacist "Citizens Council" terrorist groups that want to overthrow the US government and pursue the Nazi goal of an Aryan dominated nation?

What body shape am i? pic?

Putting it nicely, you have "love handles", & need to lose like 10-12 lbs. After you do that, then you could be considered "pear-shaped". Definitely not an "hourglass" though because your boobs aren't big enough.

Is this a good resume?

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Where did you go, my lovely?

You know that song, where did you go? by No Mercy. I was watching this music video on youtube, and I realized something. No one has ever looked for her. I mean sure we are all dancing to the sweet jam, but damn it people there is a girl missing. Doesn't this bother anyone?

Why are so many young men choosing to remain bachelor's and seem bitter at women and even mock men who marry?

I am a 35 year old Professional male attorney.I am happy in life,love my job and fiancee. I am getting married in December. It seems that a lot of my friends from college and at work who range in age from 25-45 are refusing to get married and seem bitter at women. On fellow coworker who is an Attorney as well stated to me that if I get divorced I will lose half my money and custody of children(I want kids). Many of my friends, who are considered handsome guys with money have absolutely stated they will not marry wahtsoever and some have given up on women completely. My friend who I will call "Jeff" is advising me not to get married that most marriages end in divorce.Jeff has been hurt by women in the past(His last girlfriend of 5 yrs left him for another guy).Jeff claims he was a "nice guy" and his ex girlfriend left him for a "jerk" who treat her badly.I told Jeff that not all women are like that and a good marriage can be a beautiful thing.It seems like these guys just want to remain bachelors and some of them I think really hate women cause they have been hurt. I feel like as a man getting married a target of ridicule by other men.I rarely bring my fiancee around these guys inasmuch as she feels a hostility from them. It really doesn't matter what these men think of me and I am not sure I even want to be friends with them anymore. My only concern is the future for my kids(I do want kids). If too many men are bitter and choose to remain unmarried, there will be a drastic population shift in declining childbirth rates.Plus,if I am blessed to have a healthy child who is a female she will have little available men to date in the future which is a damn shame. There are a lot of good women out there who would love to marry(My fiancee's best friend is dating a guy for 5 yrs and he has not even proposed to her) My friend "Jeff" .is even involved in a movement called "men going their own way"(MGTOW) part of this so called Mens Rights movement (similar to feminism for women. I went on the website "Happy Bachelors" and it appeared to me just a bunch of successful bachelor men who are bitter at women, and actually encouraging men to "Boycott Marriage".There was one gentlemen on one male blog who actually allegedly said he "he has now become homosexual" because of his hurt in the past by women. This is absolutely ridiculous and a damn shame for my future daughter(if I have a girl) and many young nice pretty unmarried woman looking for husbands.There will be a severe shortage of eligible men from what I sadly see amongst many men today

Blackberry curve 8520 pay monthly?

I am thinking about getting the blackberry curve 8520 on pay monthly (contract) on O2 from carphone warehouse. It is �13.50 per month. For this price you get 20 minutes, 250 texts and 100 mb internet. I just water to know if you also get bbm included in this price. Thank you :-)

I'm giving up on my life?

I'm 16, I've been in hospital since February. I've been diagnosed with serious depression, and major anxiety. Pretty much my mind tells me EVERYONE hates me, or talks behind my back, even my friends, people i don't know, everyone. It's horrible. To feel like people hate you. I think people hate me because i'm not manly enough or I'm not perfect in their eyes. I'm constantly focusing on my appearance and body image (I'm a guy). And I have to check the mirror EVERY 10 MINUTES and it makes me feel ****. I can't change the way my mind thinks. It's been a massive build up of depression and anxiety for about 4 years and I only told people in February. But it's been going on to long, nothing is working, no medication is working either, nothing. I go on Y!A and talk about this, and I get people saying "toughen up loser, you have a good life, your lucky" and "you should commit suicide, jesus would hate you because you give up so easily" I'm christian btw. Why, even when I ask for help, I get dIck heads saying that to me? why? So what do I do now? it's horrible, feeling like this. Thinking my friends hate me , thinking the public and family hates me. It's ****. Bad. They said I get at least 1,000 thoughts in an hour, 90% of them on negative things. So what do I do? I'm thinking suicide is the best option. If anyone is going to say I should toughen up or say some damn rude thing like you're weak or an idiot, say it. I will commit suicide. Just say it, one person and I will do it. I'm serious.

Isn't slavery illegal? AND since i'm so mature does it mean I'm an old soul or something?

I mean if slaverly is illegal than why do some jackassed adults seem to think parents own us? I mean if they own us until we're 18 and we're supposedly not in the state of mind to think for ourselves than isnt that sorta like slavery in its own way? I mean I'm only 12 and I've been abused verbally and physically but I'm also pretty damn popular and smart and I'm way more mature than any of the 14 or 13 year olds in our school. What in the world is THAT supposed to mean? Am I an old soul or am I just too awesome to be dumb? Haha not to sound like a smart *** but I really am wondering what ya'll think about it.

Is it just my imagintion or is my girlfriend becoming evil?

my girlfriend becoming an aryan, she has blood hair, bleu eyes, white skin, german, can speak german, and hate jews

Are there any ROC Military heroes still honored in the PRC?

No. As explained by the American zombie, there are no Republic of China heroes left on the mainland. All persons of Chinese decent, such as Confucius and Sun Yat-Sen, are now considered to be part of the PRC, whether their ghosts like it or not.

What Modern Nazi Germany would look like today?

I don't think a progressive movement is likely to arise in a victorious Nazi Germany. While the U.S. oppressed non whites the system wasn't built around this fact, and even in the deep south there was always freedom of speech that was respected. Nazi Germany has no problem jailing or outright shooting critics, and the mass killing means there won't be any groups to raise grievances within their empire. As far as your timeline, Britain won't fall. It would take the nazis at least 5 years of uninterrupted building before they have the Air and Naval power to get England, during which the U.S. is probably flipping into full cold war mode. With a land border with the Soviet Union Germany will never have the luxury of a safe homeland. The Soviets can match their industry while the U.S. will undermine both of them abroad. Because of the German threat to the Soviets the nationalists might win in China if the U.S. offers more support, ensuring that East Asia will be dominated, or at least allied, with the U.S. As much as I hate to admit it a victorious Nazi German that survives into the 1990s probably means a much more powerful U.S. as the Nazis and the Soviets know they cannot trust one another, and cannot effectively oppose U.S. interests outside of their immediate spheres of influence.

How long will it take geek squad phone insurance to send me a new phone?

Hi, basically on sunday I was walking home and some scum bags stole my phone off me, i reported it to the police and vodafone, had the phone blocked etc, my phone insurance is with geek squad cause I got the phone from carphone warehouse how long does it take claims to be accepted etc cause I kind of need a new phone asap. Thanks

RHH: Why does this section resemble an abandoned warehouse right now?

Just got back on like five minutes ago. I was gonna repost my question about Jean Grae's new mixtape, but I guess now isn't the time.

How much does it cost to replace a battery and get a new frame for a computer?

Okay, I've had this computer for around 2 years, the frame {you know, the stuff around the screen and keyboard} is damn near destroyed, and the battery is so bad it can only hold a 15 minute charge. I use a Dell Windows 7 computer, it was around 1,000 dollars. In all seriousness, how much would it cost to replace these things? 100$? 500$? Or can you not replace them? Also, I wouldn't mind also knowing how much it costs to replace a screen, because the screen also has water damage...

ROTC infantry MOS???

After finishing ROTC I want to go into Infantry or MP. After finishing ROTC, I heard that getting into infantry is hard because it is the most popular MOS, and only the top ROTC cadets get the MOS that they want. I just don't want to get stuck as a officer in a logistics warehouse or a desk job. Does anybody know hoe hard it is to get into infantry or MP after ROTC?

How can I make my yugioh Karakuri deck better?

If it were me, I would take out the Heavy Mech Support Platforms, put in more Cash Sheds, Solemn, Mirror Force (Mirror Force and Solemn both come common in structure decks now, if you don't already have them) and Instant Fusion (Use Cyber Saurus for Instant Synchroing). I would also take out the Nanashak, because he (in my opinion) isn't worth the tribute. I would take out Starlight Road, because it is a little too situational to be of use all the time. Maybe add more Merchants for the searching power. Try another MST over Forbidden Lance. Hopefully this helped to make your deck a little more consistent.

I'm getting fat but I like it?

I've always been slim but it's fair to say over the last few months I've gotten a bit big. Over winter I adopted some unhealthy eating habits that have carried on throughout the year adding about 30lbs to my weight making me around 185lbs. The only negative is my rapidly expanding waistline and the fact I spend a lot of my allowance on snacks and food. I never used to care for food much but now it all seems so tasty! I can happily eat through loads of biscuits and cakes, I now eat 3 chocolate cream filled eclairs everyday without fail, I know I shouldn't but they taste so damn nice. The only person who makes critical remarks is my mum as she says she doesn't want a fat son and she's tired of buying me bigger and bigger clothes. Like she keeps grabbing my new fat and telling me to get rid. I don't really care about my weight so is this a problem?

What women want to talk online?

It's summer. I'm bored. And it's too early to go out to clubs so who wants to talk online? If you post ur e-mail I'll send you a message, I'm 20 y/o btw and pretty damn attractive.

How old do you have to be to pick up a phone from carphone warehouse?

My daughter persuaded me to buy her a bb curve and i said ok:( i have no time to pick it up, so i was wondering if she could pick it up? shes 11.

This 1933 newspaper article says Hitler was Jewish, is that why his sister was manager of a Jewish Mensa club?

more likely an Edomite "Jew", which is Esau, not Jacob, which would also explain his hatred of the Jews

Help, I think I hurt my leg running?

I kinda over did it..i started running 5 miles to start right off the top...and i did not stretch a my leg hurts....i can't walk right...i really REALLY miss running ...but my damn leg..its the upper part of my leg that hurts...the pain goes and comes...i haven't ran for 4 days...i REALLY miss it..i have kinda active shadow boxing here and there ...but for the most part nothing...and yet it still hurts...what can i do...what should i do.

GTA IV TBoGT please help!!?

I downloaded Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony yesterday. I'm 45% complete in story mode and I don't have The Lost And Damned. I havnt done anything related to TBoGT in the story mode yet, when and how do I get to play TBoGT? Please help!

Why did spaghetti warehouse close in austin?

My lady friend is all bummed out about it closing (it's not even that great) and i was just curious if anyone know why it closed. And didn't it close before?

Exchanging after 28 days?

So basically I brought a dress from warehouse about 2 months ago in a sort of coral colour for my prom; which is next week. I went on their website today and there's the same dress in aqua. I was just wondering if I'd be able to exchange it for the aqua colour instead. I haven't worn it once, it's brand new but it hasn't got the tag ( when I brought it there was no tag). I still have the receipt and it says ''For items without a receipt or where the return date has been exceeded, Warehouse will offer an exchange for an alternative product or gift vouchers to the value of the current selling price''. So hopefully I can but 2 months does seem a bit long doesn't it? :/

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

According to Hitler, were the British generally members of the Aryan race?

According to Hitler, yes. Both the British and French are Germatic nations, which qualified them as Aryan in the German's screwed up view of the world.

How did Sanskrit come about?

Did the Aryans that invaded classical India bring it with them? How did the Aryans influence the language?

So, whats your favorite portal 2 quote?

Mine would have to be when your hearing all the pre-recorded messages from cave, and he's like "the lab boys tell me i should stop talking about the control group and shouldn't make any more pre-recorded messages, which gave me an idea, make more pre-recorded messages! I pay the bills here, i can talk about the control group all damn day!" or something along those lines.

Do people in Northern India and Pakistan look Aryan or Germanic/Slavic?

They are Aryan, so I don't know what you mean by "looking like" Aryans. They look like what they look like. But they don't resemble Germans/Slavs, who are not Aryans at all.

I'm 21 and I'm a virgin.?

In high school, when all my friends started getting laid I lied and said I did too. I said I hooked up with a random girl at a party. Eventually my parents caught wind of this information and so I was forced to corroborate the story. At this point, I'm the only one left who knows the real truth. I've dated lots of girls, but I have never even had a real girlfriend. The thing is, I'm not nervous around girls at all. I went to a small private school where I never had a chance, and I was too damn busy taking 21 units a quarter I never had time for a relationship. I've tried to hook up at parties and I am not afraid of sex at all. Honestly I want to get it out of the way. Lately I've been feeling like a real idiot and I don't know what to do. How do I start dating now with no relationship experience? I don't even know where to look to even get a date. I've tried online dating, but frankly its a lot easier for women to date online than it is for men. I posted lots of pictures and I've had the account for 6 months but nobody messages me or really considers the messages I have sent in the past. I'm good looking and I am a pretty nice guy so I just feel stupid that I even resorted to something as pathetic as online dating. It's probably even dumber that I'm pouring out my heart and soul over yahooanswers! but hey, its anonymous... I have no idea how to proceed with my love life. What do I do?

What would you do in this situation...Funny Poll?

I choose A, I want the millions and millions. I would get the best lawyers in town and think of the best way to suck money all from them..then find a way where they have to make payments to me for 15 years.

How it is possible that Sanskrit is related with Greek and Latin?

Aryan is in origin the same word as Iran which the Shah of Persia adopted after a visit to Hitler, who used "Aryan" (incorrectly) as a synonym of Indo-Germanisch (German for Indo-European). I began my own study of historical linguistics from a book I found in a second-hand shop. This contrasted the simple vowel system of Sanskrit with that of other Indo-European languages and claimed this showed the "purity" of Sanskrit: the vowels of all the others being distortions of their primitive form. Unfortunately my book had been published in 1870. Years later the discovery of Hittite (spoken in Asia Minor) proved the contrary: that the original common Indo-European ancestor language had had a quite complicated vowel system and that its simplification in Sanskrit was the most obvious result of how that language had been influenced by the phonetic habits of the early Indians who had spoken Dravidian languages before adopting the Sanskrit of the Aryan invaders. Apart from that however, Sanskrit, Hittite, and the primitive Greek spoken on Bronze-Age Crete are the earliest documented Indo-European languages and our chief source to understanding what the original late Stone Age common Indo-European must have been like. Compared to these languages of the third millenium BC, Latin is not documented before c.400 BC, Gothic (the earliest known Germanic language) before 300 AD, English not before 600 AD, and Old (liturgical) Bulgarian (the earliest documented Slav language) not before 700 AD. But just as an example of how rapidly they all changed, even primitive Greek had already turned every initial S into an H. On the other hand Hittite watar is closer to its English and Dutch cognate water than to the Classical Greek hydros.

Can we let Michael Jackson rest?

Jesus freakin Christ I am so tired of hearing about this man! Ok, to all the krazy killer mj fans... No disrespect to him, Yes he is "God" of the music industry, The Great Bambino, The Colossus of Clout!! But Gott damn son of a ***** his logo, brand & music is getting some what tiring (not old classics never die understand the difference) Its seems like ppl worship this guy like an idol....kinda scary!!

Quick question, will appreciate at least one good response. Thnx!?

I'm afraid that your boss has the right to open or shut your door, she is your superior, and making a door stopper will only cause more friction and bad feeling. Working with colleagues and bosses it's best and more adult to keep all lines of communication open, and discuss anything that might be bothering you, and not resort to tactics like wedging a door open, which will get you into trouble with your boss.

Is it safe to drink from bottles?

Lager etc, heard that rats climb on them when they're being shipped and in warehouses. Quite disgusted at the thought.

Are uppercaste (savarna) hindus from south dravidian of origin ?

They look like they have got more aryan admixure than dravidian (australoid). What is the actual reality of castes ?

Poll: Do white girls only like guys that look aryan? aka blonde hair and blue eyes or just really look white?

no, not all girls like that, i like blonde hair or brown/black, i prefer tan skin not really into the twilight pale look but that's just me, i also heart blues eyes but i hate my brown eyes, but don't mind brown eyes on a man..... but at the end of the day its just hair n eye color so its kinda stupid when you think about it, i wouldn't not talk to someone because they don't have a certain eye or hair color

Where can I purchase a quality, Hickory Bo (staff)? One that is sturdy and not (as) likely to break.?

I've had one from Century for years, without any problems. My school uses Century for most of our supplies. I probably know 200 people with Century Bos. I've never heard a complaint.

What are some other reasons Hitler persecuted the Sinti and Roma Gypsies?

I'm working on a project for my class and I need to know some other reasons for why Hitler persecuted not just the Sinti and Roma, but other gypsies as well besides the fact he thought they were a threat to the biology of the Aryan race and the fact that they were nomadic,foreign to the region, and I think the gypsies didn't assimulate with culture and society. If you have any information on this please let me know and thanks for your help, appreciate it.

Is it more offensive for me to consider myself aryan, or for jews to be jews?

Offensive to whom ? Personally, I think all of humanity is pretty much fvcked at this point. The only people I have any sympathy for are fetuses, newborns, babies and toddlers. Everyone else is invariably screwed up.

On Two Worlds 2, how do you find the imperial warehouse you break into?

i believe if your on the gallows with the nooses looking toward town, its on the right side of town, although there are two gaurds to kill, very hard guards, so i recommend breaking into the trap door on the roof... I killed the guards.

If Hitler could join an American political party?

Do you think he'd join the tea-party? The seem the most fascist party to me. They care only about a select group of people, not about equality for the whole (A lot like Nazi's and Aryans), they want to put all the power in the hands of corporations, and they say anyone who stands in their way is the enemy. If the tea party gets into the presidency get ready for the gas chambers dems.

I really really hate my job?

Im 18 years old and i have worked in a warehouse for the past ten months, when i first started the hours i worked was 6am - 4pm, which i found was disturbing my social life by knackering me out, the work we do is physically draining, in recent months the hours have become 6am - 2pm, which is alot better but you dont get the rest of the day to yourself because youre too tired from being up at the crack of dawn, and last week they made us work 6am - 6pm, which is just pathetic considering the work we do physically knocks you out, i work for an agency and they treat you like scum, they even threaten to terminate our contracts if we dont work Bank holidays, im only yopung i dont think i should be doing these mind numbing hours...???, my parents always pressurise me saying they need my help financially and if i dont contribute money wise we will have to get out of our current house, what should i do? because im am inch away from blowing, im gonna quit =/

My wife is acting childish?

Our son is going out on a date this Friday and my wife wants me to let him borrow my 2009 Mercedes-Benz CL550 4MATIC. I bought that car for $130,000 and it goes from 0-60 in 4.8 seconds, I'm not going to let him borrow it. I've seen him drive. He was texting while driving right in front of me. I worked hard for that car and I'm not going to let something happen to it intentionally. Hot girl, hot car on Friday night...what do you think will win? The car will be destroyed and a baby might be on the way. He can take her wagon...yeah wagons are lame but at least it's a Benz. When I was his age I had to take my girlfriend out in a piece of crap Chevrolet wagon. My dad has a Benz but he didn't let me borrow it. I don't give a damn if he is embarrassed, when the car is destroyed I am the one who has to pay the price. The insurance will cover it but the rate will go up like crazy. Plus if he crashes the car (there is a 99% chance he will), I will be mad and do everything I can to make his high school years a living hell. We can all just avoid that by not letting him take my car. What to do? Someone please help me. My wife is mad at me because I won't let him borrow my car.

How many white Indo Aryans are still left in India,as opposed to the dark skinned Dravidians?

The Aryans were the ones whom invaded India 1,000s of years ago and started the Hindu/caste system as well.

How to aroused a man sexually?

my boyfriend always seems to be not really aroused,but just to kip my smile,he makes gestures as if he is feeling damn good.can some man or woman help me?

I think My child has a mental illness,please help!?

Hes five. His mom, who he goes to more than his dad (they are split) has babied him. shes in, very simple words, an unfit mom. shes attempted suicide, shesgot two other kids that she cant even care for. he will stand there and just pick at his skin till it bleeds and bends his fingers backwords and whatt not. he would rather stand in a corner than play with pepole. he will just be laying in bed ro sitting down and we glance over and hes picking at his hands or body and mumbling things silently. he throws fits worse than anything and stomps. he recently screamed 'damn you' at me in a fit of anger. he cant seem to stop the picking and scratching all over. he will flat out refurse to eat something and then make himself sick if we make him eat it. is it just the way hes been brought up so far or do u believe its something mental?

Has the "right to free speech" allowed America to became a haven for racists and bigots?"?

Despite what it is supposed to be, we do not have freedom of speech any more. We can not give an honest opinion about our President's policy without being called a racist. Yahoo wont allow you to speak the truth either. Churches can not even state that homosexuality is wrong.

Why are HR departments full of women, gays, and incontinents?

They are a complete waste of time. I am busy in the warehouse, have loads to do and i get an email saying "you have been identified for diversity and gender sensitivity training". How is that going to help me in my job? What a waste!

Were Slavs ever considered Aryan by the Nazis?

yes of course, slavs are related to goths, goths were also a germanic-aryanic people originated from north asia, it seems the whole white race is originated from Ural-Altai vicinity.

My dog will not let me pick her up?

I've had my dog Holly for a year now. I rescued her from the pound. She's a sweet dog, cuddles with me on the couch, when I go to bed whatever. But when I try to pick her up she runs around playfully and won't let me pick her up. Anyone have any ideas how I can gain her trust into letting me hold her? She's damn fast and she's gotta go to the vet soon. Also she's part weenie dog part beagle. About 16lbs

What would you do? I need answers.?

seek God. open a Bible. pray hard. be willing to do what God wants you to do. God is all wise and all knowing. pour your heart out to Him. first praise God, then turn from your sins, then pray for the whole situation and then for yourself. you have to be willing though to do WHATEVER God tells you to do. He loves you and you were created to bring glory to Him. seek Him. love Him with all you heart. let Him take over your life and let Him be your everything. :)

Am I overreacting...?

Okay so theres this guy that I was never really friends with, we both kinda had beef actually. Recently we put that in the past and got closer than we ever were before. We actually kinda got feelings for each other but he ending up having to move for the summer. Anyway, he came back to visit and me and him hung out and things were really good. Me him and my friend were talking about dropping him off together tomorrow, but he went and told my friend "it should just be me and you because we're gonna be hanging out down there and I cant bring more than one person" Idk if he was just saying that to be nice or if he didnt want me to go... so now I'm kinda hurt and just like damn, wouldnt he want me to go? I'd want him to go... am I overreacting or do you think he really just couldnt bring more than one person...=/

Who is that one wrestler?

That you use to hate, but now wish they were back wrestling in the WWE. I use to hate Kurt Angle and JBL. But now looking back Kurt Angle was a damn good performer and I wish he was with WWE not TNA. What ever happened to JBL?