Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm giving up on my life?

I'm 16, I've been in hospital since February. I've been diagnosed with serious depression, and major anxiety. Pretty much my mind tells me EVERYONE hates me, or talks behind my back, even my friends, people i don't know, everyone. It's horrible. To feel like people hate you. I think people hate me because i'm not manly enough or I'm not perfect in their eyes. I'm constantly focusing on my appearance and body image (I'm a guy). And I have to check the mirror EVERY 10 MINUTES and it makes me feel ****. I can't change the way my mind thinks. It's been a massive build up of depression and anxiety for about 4 years and I only told people in February. But it's been going on to long, nothing is working, no medication is working either, nothing. I go on Y!A and talk about this, and I get people saying "toughen up loser, you have a good life, your lucky" and "you should commit suicide, jesus would hate you because you give up so easily" I'm christian btw. Why, even when I ask for help, I get dIck heads saying that to me? why? So what do I do now? it's horrible, feeling like this. Thinking my friends hate me , thinking the public and family hates me. It's ****. Bad. They said I get at least 1,000 thoughts in an hour, 90% of them on negative things. So what do I do? I'm thinking suicide is the best option. If anyone is going to say I should toughen up or say some damn rude thing like you're weak or an idiot, say it. I will commit suicide. Just say it, one person and I will do it. I'm serious.

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