Monday, July 18, 2011

Bias in college courses on racism in America?

So, I have been taking this course in my college here at USF called "Racism in America". Today, we had a 2 hour long video viewing about various hate groups and separatist groups, the Skin Heads, KKK, Aryan Nations etc, but in the 2 hours of this video lecture detailing the aspects of hatred on the web. It detailed atrocities like the OKC Bombing, and various hate related murders committed by these groups. In this 2 hour segment, at the end, there was a pamphlet opened from the SPLC detailing the hate groups in this country and their locations. They showed various categories (Skin Heads, KKK, White Separatists) and towards the end of the pamphlet, there was a section called "Black Separatists". There was no mention of this until a student (who happened to be black) asked "What are black separatists"? The professor said "Oh, those are racist groups like Yahweh ben Yahweh". At this point, I was fed up with the lack of objectivity and pointed out that Yahweh ben Yahweh was a group that systematically abducted and ritually killed homeless white people to the class. The professor then said "I don't know, but most of the racist acts are done by these(white supremacist) groups". He damn well knew. Why is black separatism, and other racist organizations like La Raza Unida Party and M.E.Ch.A. glossed over in these college courses about racism in America? Is there some unspoken rule against it? Is there some ****** up "honor system" where nobody can mention it? Is there a cabal among Libtards that prevents them from being honest, fair and objective? Any feedback is appreciated, except for morons who want to call me racist, GTFO, it's a fair question.

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