Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm 21 and I'm a virgin.?

In high school, when all my friends started getting laid I lied and said I did too. I said I hooked up with a random girl at a party. Eventually my parents caught wind of this information and so I was forced to corroborate the story. At this point, I'm the only one left who knows the real truth. I've dated lots of girls, but I have never even had a real girlfriend. The thing is, I'm not nervous around girls at all. I went to a small private school where I never had a chance, and I was too damn busy taking 21 units a quarter I never had time for a relationship. I've tried to hook up at parties and I am not afraid of sex at all. Honestly I want to get it out of the way. Lately I've been feeling like a real idiot and I don't know what to do. How do I start dating now with no relationship experience? I don't even know where to look to even get a date. I've tried online dating, but frankly its a lot easier for women to date online than it is for men. I posted lots of pictures and I've had the account for 6 months but nobody messages me or really considers the messages I have sent in the past. I'm good looking and I am a pretty nice guy so I just feel stupid that I even resorted to something as pathetic as online dating. It's probably even dumber that I'm pouring out my heart and soul over yahooanswers! but hey, its anonymous... I have no idea how to proceed with my love life. What do I do?

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