Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm getting fat but I like it?

I've always been slim but it's fair to say over the last few months I've gotten a bit big. Over winter I adopted some unhealthy eating habits that have carried on throughout the year adding about 30lbs to my weight making me around 185lbs. The only negative is my rapidly expanding waistline and the fact I spend a lot of my allowance on snacks and food. I never used to care for food much but now it all seems so tasty! I can happily eat through loads of biscuits and cakes, I now eat 3 chocolate cream filled eclairs everyday without fail, I know I shouldn't but they taste so damn nice. The only person who makes critical remarks is my mum as she says she doesn't want a fat son and she's tired of buying me bigger and bigger clothes. Like she keeps grabbing my new fat and telling me to get rid. I don't really care about my weight so is this a problem?

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