Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is he trying to make me smile or telling the truth?

Soo my guy hes always tellin me nd calling me sweet thingss...... But im not sure about these two.. 1 was " Damn Girl Your lips make me crazy" nd the 2 was " everytime we kiss I feel like im in heaven" :D! .... What is that supposed to mean.... P.s. I have kissed him... Like not a peck but a real kiss..

What does my dream mean?

Pretty much there was some nuclear explosion that was going to happen or something. So the local government/martial law put me and other people into a warehouse type place. We were told that the radiation would get to us in the middle of the night while we slept and if anybody survived, they were to report to a military base type place. So apparently this happened before and I was one of the few survivors from the last time so I went in the same corner of the building that I went last time (memories were conceived in dream) and fell asleep on the concrete among many others. I awoke in the middle of the night cold and found some sheets of metal and covered myself with to stay warm. (and somehow saved me) I then woke up in the morning and everyone died in radiation except me and some guy. As we left the building the dream ended.

Alternative Rock Music Video-Band plays in the dark surrounded by a chain reaction?

They are singing in a dark warehouse with only one light bulb hang from the ceiling over the lead singer and they are surrounded by a chain reaction with fire and a bowling ball and other things and at the end of the song the reaction causes something to smash or shoot the light bulb.

Ipod touch please helP!?

I Have episodes of a show (Primeval -.- damn u lisa) on my computer and I was wondering if you could tell me how to put it ont my Ipod touch. HELP ME! Thanks. PS do I need to download anything to put it on there.(FREE PLEASSE) Thanks..again

Are you a warehouse club shopper?

Occasionally. There are only 3 of us. I do save money because I compare their prices to the prices I pay in a regular store. If it's not a bargain, I don't buy it. I only buy things we actually use on a regular basis.

Guy I like at work brushed past me really close?

one of the signs a guy likes you is if he's tries to touch you in any way.. it's a way of saying he wants to get close to you. So him brushing up against you is a hint he likes you. So... ya he probs likes you!

Senior citizens, this is it for the night?

I don't think there's much in the U.S. that we don't think normal talk. If you visited, you'd probably say, "What's THAT mean" but we would think of it as perfectly normal.